October 02, 2022

Costco Hot Dog

Here's the tweet with the quote you should read (click here).

It's a $1.50 for a quarter pound hot dog and a drink and a free refill of the drink.

The combination of the end of the COVID-bump, the challenge of finding new customers, the (for catalogers) inability to get paper to even execute marketing tactics, the implosion of Facebook paid social thanks to Apple ... it results in a lot of emails being sent to me, asking for "strategies" to find new customers ... with quotes like "What is the next thing that worked as great as Facebook did for so long?"

That's a question ... there are better questions.

Like ... "what is our version of the Costco hot dog?"

This is where I start getting complaint mails from some of you in the studio audience ... "that won't work for us, we sell widgets, we're unique and we're special".

If you are that unique and you are that special then you have a version of the Costco hot dog and you should get busy promoting it so you can find new customers at an exceptionally low cost "and" be known for something "and" Facebook-proof your customer acquisition efforts.

Get busy!

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