January 26, 2007

Friends of MineThatData: January 26, 2007

A few changes to this month's ratings. Here we go!
  1. Occam's Razor with a 6.5 Blog Juice Score.
  2. Luna Metrics, 3.9
  3. Juice Analytics, 3.8
  4. Customer's Rock, 3.7
  5. Rimm-Kaufman Group, 2.5
  6. Sports Marketing 2.0, 2.3
  7. Business Enterprise Management, 1.5
  8. Profitable Marketing, 1.5
  9. Data Mining Research, 1.4
  10. Digital Solid, 1.3
  11. My other friends include Marketing Geek, Customer Experience Matrix, Jim Novo, Marketing ROI, Acxiom-Direct, Sandeep-Giri, Marketing Measurement Today, Rick Whittington, Chris Baggott, and A Power Point.
Kudos to Luna Metrics for moving up to number two. Customer's Rock is up to number four. Sports Marketing 2.0 is busy celebrating the Colts trip to the Super Bowl. Congrats are also in order for newbie Data Mining Research, entering the countdown at number nine. Digital Solid has a lot of competition bubbling under the top ten, including a new blog from Jim Novo.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Thanks again, Kevin; I am honored to be one of your friends.



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