November 26, 2006

Who Manages Your Online Strategy?

Jeremiah Owyang talks about folks who lead web strategy in media businesses. In your multichannel organization, who leads your web strategy?
  • An Online Expert?
  • Your Chief Marketing Officer?
  • A Catalog Marketing Expert?
  • A Retail Marketing Expert?
  • A Merchandising Expert?
  • Somebody Else?
Who should lead your web strategy? Offer your comments, please.


  1. Anonymous5:37 AM

    I doubt any particular title will fil l the bill as well as looking at specific criteria for the role.

    In my opinion, a web strategist should fit three criteria:
    1) Understand the Business
    2) Understand the Users
    3) Understand the technology

    and be able to craft a long term vision

  2. I'd agree, Jeremiah. Depending upon the corporate culture, any one of those three points can be important.


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