March 06, 2025

Layoffs / Downturns / Opportunity

The most February layoffs in sixteen years (click here).

My stock portfolio is down 10% in the past month.

Opportunity is rampant during a downturn, regardless of the cause of the downturn. Social/Mobile exploded after the near collapse of the global economy seventeen years ago. Modern (nimble) e-commerce brands flourished after being founded during COVID. Turns out it is fun to start a business while trapped in your home.

Yes, some of you are preparing to head into the bunker for awhile.

Those of you who capitalize on opportunities are doing the opposite. You're preparing for what comes next, and you'll be years ahead of the competition as a result.

Did you read the nonsense today from Macy's? Give it a read (click here). This is what heading into the bunker for awhile looks like ... sales declines and rampant contraction while praising a small number of stores that are essentially holding flat or are up a percentage point. Anytime you capitalize the phrase Bold New Chapter, you aren't launching a Bold New Chapter. "We're going to contract and then dress up our best stores a bit" sounds like logic used by Sears, doesn't it?

You might be preparing to launch your own version of a Bold New Chapter. This is a great time to do that. Don't tell anybody. Sneak up on folks and surprise them.

  • P.S.:  In the February run of the Elite Program, I saw all sorts of signs of my clients turning the corner. They're not out there bragging about it. They're out there executing. They'll execute right through this coming downturn as well. Make something happen while nobody is paying attention.

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Layoffs / Downturns / Opportunity

The most February layoffs in sixteen years (click here) . My stock portfolio is down 10% in the past month. Opportunity is rampant during a ...