September 30, 2024

This Happens To Your Brand, Too

It is a long, hard slog to nudge a customer from Average to Quality to Loyal to Elite status. Even harder if the customer is Struggling and you have to work hard just to get the customer to Average.

Here is a year-over-year view of customer migration for the brand we've studied in the past month.

I mean, look across the Quality row ... you can get a Quality customer to repurchase and "what" the customer buys and "how" (i.e. Marketplaces) the customer buys something drives the customer from Quality down to Average. Or Average to Struggling. This stuff is hard work, and the modern marketer just doesn't have good tools to make a difference here. I mean, what are you going to do, send the customer an email? You already send ten per week. Wait for the customer to search "widgets" on Google and then spring a PLA trap for widgets? You already do that.

Regardless, something has to change. E-commerce brands (in particular) have too few tools and too many problems like the ones illustrated in the table above. Old-school catalog brands have ... the catalog ... and that thing covered over a lot of sins for a lot of decades. Those days are ending.

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