December 27, 2020

Office Hours

I'm always asking you, the loyal reader of the past fifteen days to the past fifteen years (think about that) to try things, to experiment. Next week, I'm going to take my own medicine, and I'm forcing Bill LaPierre to take the medicine with me.

Poor Bill.

I got the idea for Office Hours from a video course on Transactional Analysis that I've worked on for the past six months with an online education brand. When their students take a course, they spend Office Hours (via video) with the instructor, allowing the students time to ask face-to-digital-face questions with the instructor. Of course, the student had to complete a bunch of homework to get to that point ... it's not a one-way street, but the idea is old and traditional and yet modernized for our COVID-paralyzed reality.

So let's try something. Let's try an experiment.

On January 6 at 1:00pm EST / 10:00am PST Bill and I will hold Office Hours for a small group of 25 students. The audience is limited to current catalog practitioners (there may be Office Hours in the future for different disciplines, but this is where we are starting). So if you want to participate, hold the date of January 6 at 1:00pm EST open on your calendar.

Frequently Asked Question?

  • How do I sign up?
Here's how I am doing this.
  • You can sign up at exactly 1:00pm EST / 10:00am PST on Monday, January 4. Not a minute sooner.
  • The first 25 time-stamped emails I receive from current catalog marketing practitioners (send your email to are in. If your email arrives one minute prior to the deadline, it is thrown out. The next 10 time-stamped emails go on a waiting list.
  • You will receive e-mail confirmation that your Office Hours application has been accepted, wait-listed, or denied.
One catch:
  • Your email application MUST include a link to one industry article that you think is interesting, an article that you'd like us to consider for discussion during Office Hours. Here's an example of what I'm talking about (click here). Go ahead and tell me what you find interesting about the article and what you'd like Bill & I to consider discussing in relation to the article.
  • No link to an article, no acceptance of your application.
  • I will collect all of the articles that are submitted by all applicants ... and I will forward the list of all articles to all applicants, regardless whether your application is accepted, wait listed, or denied.
That's what I'm experimenting with, peeps. Let's try something different, and let's see how it goes.

Let me know if you have any questions (

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