November 02, 2020

An Interesting COVID-Based Trend

We know what a COVID-bump looks like, via Comp Segment analytics.

We also talk frequently about the "organic percentage" ... the share of orders that happen without the aid of marketing.

Here was a trend for one company:

  • November 1, 2018 = 55%.
  • May 1, 2019 = 58%.
  • November 1, 2019 = 62%.
  • March 1, 2020 = 64%.
So this brand is getting healthier by the minute .... orders are consistently happening without the aid of marketing, and at increasing rates.

Then we look within the COVID-bump:
  • April 1, 2020 = 63%.
  • May 1, 2020 = 64%.
  • June 1, 2020 = 61%.
  • July 1, 2020 = 59%.
  • August 1, 2020 = 58%.
  • September 1, 2020 = 58%.
  • October 1, 2020 = 57%.

This is what a SMART MARKETING DEPARTMENT looks like.

Why would I say that?

Well, it is obvious that the marketers figured out in April/May that "something" was going on. They read the Comp Segment tea leaves properly, and they put their foot on the marketing gas pedal, spending money to amplify a highly positive trend.

You leverage your business experience to understand what is happening behind the scenes. Behind the scenes at this company, somebody was trying very hard to amplify a positive trend. These are the kind of clients (or companies) you want to work with. They're trying hard to make things better.

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