September 21, 2020

New Product! Something Very Different: Virtual Chief Performance Officer

Yesterday I wrote about various issues in Sports ... where folks went against the grain and had success. In particular, there was one article (click here) that really resonated ... where the golfer had a Coach working with a Statistician to craft game plans, training plans, and a path forward for improved Performance.

The impetus for this came from several projects this summer, projects that were (quite honestly) very different than the work I completed in the past.

  • The Executive (or Analyst) wanted a fusion of Analytics + Coaching + Organization (happened multiple times).
  • Creation of a Video Series for an Online Education Brand on how to perform the work I routinely do, combined with how to work with Business Leaders to get stuff done. I've spent the past two months working on the Video Series, realizing the analytics were ultimately a minor part of what needed to be taught. As I prepared to create the videos, it was obvious that Coaching was the primary goal of this project.
All through the COVID-infused Zoom-based Summer, it became clear that something was missing, something that Professionals are looking for.
  • A fusion of Coaching and Analytics and Organization, leading to improved Performance.
In other words, the world changed and we need to change with it. Coaching and Performance are becoming very important, and you can't just be an "Analytics" person ... you have to bring more to the table than the ability to "Analyze" something.

So let's fuse it all together!

I'm calling the product the "Virtual Chief Performance Officer" or "Virtual CPO". You'll hire me for various issues, and I'll act as a hybrid Coach / Analyst / Organization / Performance mentor. I'll analyze the business issue (if necessary), but after that we're looking at how to improve your performance.

Example:  You are a CEO, and you have a business challenge. Sales are down 10% (while everybody else is up during COVID) and you suspect your Chief Merchandising Officer is the problem. Worse, your Chief Merchandising Officer is a "handful" ... s/he won't change. Here's what the project might look like:
  • Analysis of New/Existing Merchandise Trends over the past four (4) years.
  • Routine Zoom calls to discuss how your team might work better together.
  • Coaching/Mentoring of key staff to work more effectively with difficult individuals.
  • Setting of Goals and Objectives to achieve better Performance.
The key here is to fuse Coaching, Analytics, and Organization, leading to improved Performance.

If this is of interest to you (and hint - it should be ... it's the top ranked request I've received during the summer), contact me at and we'll talk through details.
  • You could be a CEO who needs help, a Chief Marketing Officer, or a skilled Analyst needing assistance, it doesn't matter, we'll structure something appropriate for your unique circumstances.

P.S.:  I hope to release a parallel podcast / video series to complement the Virtual CPO project offering. More details on the series in upcoming posts.

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