October 06, 2019

Here's How This Is Going To Work

It's come up repeatedly this year. Over and over and over again. A company is struggling, so I run my comp segment tables, and I notice that there isn't a clear merchandising problem.

Then I review results by price point band, and the story changes. I observe a fundamental change in strategy ... I can see a clear point in time when strategy changes (i.e. sales immediately decline within a price band while sales immediately increase within another price band).

I built simple regression equations, and I observed problems ... the price points being vacated were associated with customers most likely to spend money in the future.

I'd share the findings with Management ... and Management would communicate the importance of improving gross margin percentages. My work communicated the importance of improving future gross margin dollars.

So, I wrote a small booklet about the subject. You can buy the booklet here ... $7.99 in print and $2.99 via Kindle ... in other words, practically free. Show me a vendor who gives away their secrets for $2.99 and previously shared the topics for free on a blog.

At this point, you should be asking me an important question:
  • "How much does it cost to execute a pricing analysis??"
Here's how this is going to work.
  • For the remainder of 2019 the standard pricing analysis will cost a flat fee $8,500. The fee will likely increase in 2020 ... at this time, I'm thinking it will be $12,000 for 2020 and beyond.
  • If you hire me for a Total Package project, you will get the standard pricing analysis for free as part of the Total Package project.  Total Package projects cost $15,000 for small brands, and up to $50,000 for brands > $1,000,000,000 in annual sales.
  • Click here for details.
So that's a sweet deal, #amirite?

Hop on now - bump me at kevinh@minethatdata.com and get in line with your pricing project before project fees increase on January 1. Let's see if you have a problem that can be understood via pricing issues.

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