February 04, 2015

The Story of 2015, So Far

Across the board, it's new customers.

Namely, that's for so many companies, it is getting harder and harder to acquire new customers.

In an omnichannel world with infinite channels, it has gotten much, much harder to find new customers. Ask anybody. The omnichannel playbook promises riches - the opposite is happening.
  • In retail, omnichannel advertising strategies have dissuaded customers from leaving home, causing malls to empty.
  • In catalogs, the co-ops are in the process of optimizing themselves out of business by sending the same 70 year old customers to most catalogers, greatly lowering response and limiting the overall universe.
  • In e-commerce, new customer acquisition rates are slowing (ask eBay) as Amazon overwhelms the industry and as cannibalization from catalogs/retail slowly winds down.
If your fiscal year begins on February 1, then the number one goal for your marketing team in 2015 must be to find clever strategies for finding new customers at low cost.


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