January 02, 2013

Judy, Jennifer, Jasmine: Happy Birthday!

On January 1, Judy turned 60 years old.  Jennifer is now a 44 year old shopper.  Jasmine is 28, beginning her 29th lap around the sun.  Happy Birthday!!

Remember, there are fundamental truths about these personas, validated across numerous research projects.
  1. Judy = MAIL MORE CATALOGS.  Yes ... MORE!  Catalogers should love this!  In almost all of my projects, catalogers are UNDER-MAILING Judy!  Yes, under-mailing.
  2. Jennifer = MAIL FEWER CATALOGS.  Instead of 18 a year, maybe 3-9 a year.  Take all of the money you save here, and reinvest it in a new Tablet Commerce Solution, for instance (click here).  Allocate the money online.  Go where Jennifer is.
  3. Jasmine = START A NEW BRAND.  Her needs are fundamentally different than the catalog solutions or e-commerce solutions offered by catalog-focused brands.  Stop mailing Jasmine, take your catalog dollars, and reinvest them by focusing on a new brand that meets her needs.
Please click here to get Judy / Jennifer / Jasmine project pricing ... this is a good time of the year to get busy on implementing new ideas that will impact the Fall and Christmas timeframe.

Keep in mind --- Judy is 60 now ... 5 years from retirement ... and Jennifer is just 6 years away from being 50 years old.  Her future trajectory will not be in the social/mobile/local realm, based on the data I'm looking at (though we'll see - your mileage will vary).

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