September 27, 2012

Hennes and Mauritz: No E-Commerce Website In The United States

There are folks (researchers, trade journalists, vendors, consultants) who tell you that you must be "omnichannel", or you are "dead".

Then we have Hennes and Mauritz.  Visit their website for a moment ... go ahead, I'll wait ... click here.

Welcome back!

No e-commerce.

And yet, somehow, miraculously, they still manage to sell an embarrassingly large amount of merchandise in-stores (250 stores in the US ... something like $8,000,000 sales per store per year, +/-). 

How could this business open stores in the US and experience a modicum of success and not follow the multi-channel or omnichannel blueprint experts demand of us (no e-commerce, much less m-commerce).


1 comment:

  1. They're just late to the party..that's all


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