April 14, 2010

Point of View: Urban Outfitters

Give this one a try.

Go to Google, and type the following search term "Urban Outfitters Mens Shirt". Click on the natural search Urban Outfitters Mens Clothing - Shirts link. Then click on the Salt Valley Solid Dobby Roll-Up Western shirt. Finally, click on the Trends link on the upper right hand portion of the page. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. If you are lucky, you'll see that you viewed the Salt Valley Solid Dobby Roll-Up Western shirt.

There are clean ways to display to customers what they've previously viewed. This is one example.

Also notice that items have reviews, and you can ask a question about any item from the item landing page.

Also notice that Urban Outfitters actively promotes the Catalog, Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Text Messages, and Daily RSS Updates. You pick the version of communication that works best for you.

Again, I'm not advocating that this works or does not work. Instead, I'm asking you if there is a version of this that is appropriate for the business that you manage.

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