October 31, 2008

Two More Catalog Brands Are Using Social Media

For those of you who enjoy seeing how our industry leverages social media, here's two more examples for you:


  1. Thanks so much for the mention and the links, Kevin. We're really cranking up the blog, after starting it just less than a year ago. We've found it's a super way to connect with our readers - gets some good dialogue going, which is what we're all about: baking and sharing. So - thanks for furthering the cause! PJ Hamel, King Arthur Flour baker/blogger

  2. We started up our blog about the same time as KA, and over the past 10 months we've also seen readership climb steadlily. It's fun having an opportunity to speak with fellow gardeners in a more informal and immediate way than we can do in other channels. Thanks for providing this attention and link!

  3. And good for you, too!


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