November 14, 2006

Urban Outfitters, Swiss Colony / Durdy Looks, and Other Tidbits

The Motely Fool shares information about Urban Outfitters and their most recent quarterly results. Direct-to-consumer sales increased seventeen percent, not a huge number, given the evolution of e-commerce. A seven percent increase in sales was offset by a seven percent decrease in profit, largely caused by significantly lower gross margins. Another Motley Fool article illustrates a ten percent drop in comp store sales, on top of last year's thirteen percent increase. Yikes. Comp inventories were down, suggesting better times ahead.

A colleague forwarded me information about a new brand from Swiss Colony called Durdy Looks. Will the Monroe, Wisconsin purveyor of cheeses and meats leverage its customer file for prospecting of this trendy brand?

In other news:

Need rough demographic information about a competitor? Try Quantcast. They have a mathematical algorithm that estimates metrics like age, income, ethnicity, and education of your visitors. The tool seems to work for larger companies.

Sara Holoubek, of Marketing Profs and DMNews fame, writes about Google potentially rendering traditional advertising and media obsolete. In my opinion, Sara is a very good writer who has her finger on the pulse of many different topics.

Black Friday, Cyber Monday and eDay are all coming. Anybody else tired of the labels?

Uber-blogger John Battelle has a neat graph depicting internet advertising revenue. I love looking at the internet bubble, from mid 1999 to early 2001. Take that bubble out of the graph, and you have a reasonable and almost linear increase.

Interested in blogging? Pronet Advertising has 50 blogging resources for you.


  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    As for the Swiss Colony news... I wonder how many "Cheese Snack Attack" consumers are also interested in a $270 Suede Shirt?

    Regardless... I'll expect to be offered both through their respective catalogs in the coming weeks!


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Another Question:  We plan our entire marketing calendar around the catalog. What do you expect us to do on October 28 when we don't hav...