November 28, 2024

Friday Notes

Vendor Communication to me on Thanksgiving:
  • "Hey Kevin, I hope you just demolished a turkey. Would you like to save $100 on one of our events?"

Vendor Communication to me on Thanksgiving:
  • "I can design flyers that will increase your revenue by 2x to 3x."

I'm gonna be rich saving money on conferences while increasing revenues by 2x to 3x via the creation of a (checks notes) flyer.

Meanwhile, Macy's is busy trying to rehabilitate their reputation by having Jim Nantz say positive things in a "Nantz voice".

See the QR code there? Somebody has to analyze that thing tomorrow. 

Speaking of an omnichannel approach to selling.

Somewhere the Omnichannel Steering Committee (#OSC) is clinking a glass of champagne after overriding the digital marketing team on this ad. Lawyers, Omnichannel Management (who operate in a matrixed org structure, not reporting to anybody - just like the customer who doesn't report to anybody), and the Marketing Promotions Team can all agree that this is beautiful.

P.S.:  This recipe is bound to become part of your beloved family-based Thanksgiving Day tradition going forward.

Butter Corn
  • One Bag of C&W Petite Yellow Sweet Corn (don't compromise here).
  • One Stick of Tillamook Creamy Salted Butter.
  • Place stick of butter at the bottom of a pan.
  • Pour bag of frozen corn over the stick of butter.
  • Heat on low heat, stirring occasionally, until mixture shows the slightest hint of becoming "bubbly" - then immediately pull from heat (to prevent corn from softening).
  • Serve hot - I recommend not using a slotted spoon. Generously salt your serving should you not suffer from heart-related maladies. 

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