July 24, 2024

Optimal Page Count & Circ Depth Example

The catalog portion of my audience, if they're not already running this simulation for every one of their in-home dates ... will be running this simulation for every one of their in-home dates within a few months. It will become a necessity.

The simulation illustrates optimal profit levels based on page counts and circulation depth. Examples:

  • 32 pages, 260,000 circ depth = $150,500 profit.
  • 64 pages, 200,000 circ depth = $160,700 profit.
  • 112 pages, 120,000 circ depth = $155,400 profit.
  • 176 pages, 100,000 circ depth = $143,500 profit.

Each profit number above is the optimal level of profit given the number of pages offered.

Which strategy would you rather employ?
  • 32 pages to 260,000 customers giving you $150,500 profit.
  • 176 pages to 100,000 customers giving you $143,500 profit.

I get it - optimal profit is in-between there in this simulation. However, the point of this exercise is to help you understand what is coming. What's coming?
  • Small Page Counts.
  • Deeper Circulation.

This is a necessity, driven by increased costs and decreased productivity.

Run the simulation.

If you can't run the simulation, reach out to me and I'll set one up for you (kevinh@minethatdata.com).

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