February 22, 2024

Lots of Choices!

I updated my product offering (click on the image below or click here to visit my Hire Me page).

There are several updates here.

  • I re-introduced my CATALOG MODELING project, given how popular it was over the winter when I wasn't even offering it. Many (MANY) catalog brands are going through a dramatic transformation, forced upon them by rising paper/printing/postage costs. In these projects, I calculate the exact number of catalogs to mail a customer annually. You'll save a significant amount of ad cost, you'll increase profit in the process.
  • MERCHANDISE DYNAMICS:  This is going to be a project that I roll out over the next few weeks. There is a significant shift among e-commerce brands to fully understand the interaction between customers and what the brand sells. You've seen some of my work over the past 1-2 weeks. Lots more to follow.
  • HILLSTROM'S CHECK-UP:  You asked for this. You want a quick-and-tidy evaluation of your business that can be executed within 1-3 days. That's what this project is. I'll combine a few aspects of Merchandise Dynamics with a full Elite Program Run, helping you understand within a few days some high-level issues that are holding your brand back.

Next week? More on Merchandise Dynamics.

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