October 10, 2023

Comp Segment Performance

Next week I begin analyzing a ton of Elite Program projects.

And unfortunately, sometimes I see something that looks like this.

That's a comp segment analysis ... I've been talking about comp segment analytics for a decade, as you are painfully aware. Here's a case where merchandise productivity crumbles in March, slumps even more in September, and is just an all-around disaster by the end of the year.

This tells us that the merchandising team messed up.

How did the mess up? Take a look at new merchandise.

My goodness. What a mess. The merchandising team just plain failed to properly manage new items (or failed to introduce enough new items or did both).

How about existing items?

They don't have a problem with existing items.

It's a new merchandise problem.

You're probably already running this table, right? If you aren't (for some reason), let me know and for just $1,800 as a new client we'll get busy with this run of the Elite Program.

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The Case

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