May 17, 2021

What Does Customer Development Failure Look Like?

It kind of looks like this (actual data):

I mean, this is awful.

The top 60% of the file has about 10% fewer customers in the past year than the year prior to that, and about 15% fewer customers in the past year than two years ago.

Do you see any green cells in the top 60% of the twelve-month buyer file? Just three months ago, that's about it.

This company is doing an AWFUL job of Customer Development. Just AWFUL. The company has basically failed to improve counts among the top 60% of the twelve-month buyer file for twenty-three of the past twenty-four months.


Are you running a Time Lapse Analysis? No? Why not?

Contact me ( if you aren't doing this. Let's get started figuring out what is happening to your Customer Development efforts.

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