December 20, 2020


Yeah, that movie comes on and it is like catnip to me.

There's one quote in particular that sticks with me. If you've been a long-time reader, you'll probably recognize it. Brad Pitt as Billy Beane is visiting the Red Sox, who want to hire him after he transformed his corner of the baseball world via analytics. The John Henry character says this to Brad Pitt.

2021 is going to be a year of transition. We've thrown away the world "BC" (before COVID), but we won't fully settle on the future until sometime in 2022 (if then). And as the future emerges, keep the quote above in mind. When your favorite boutique agency tells you to go back to what you did "BC", keep the quote above in mind. When your favorite boutique agency tells you what the future will look like (hint - they have no idea what the future is going to look like), keep the above quote in mind.

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