November 14, 2019

A Brief Merchandise Attribution Example

Think about Merchandise Attribution this way.

Say your company has five merchandise divisions.

  • Mens
  • Womens
  • Kids
  • Home
  • Gifts
In 2018 each division generated the following sales levels.
  • Mens = $10 million.
  • Womens = $20 million.
  • Kids = $5 million.
  • Home = $5 million.
  • Gifts = $5 million.
  • Total Brand = $45 million.
Your Management Team decides to shut down the Home division. Projected sales through mid-November look like this, forecasted through the end of 2019.

  • Mens = $10 million.
  • Womens = $22 million.
  • Kids = $5 million.
  • Home = $0 million.
  • Gifts = $5 million.
  • Total Brand = $42 million.
Two questions:
  1. How much of the Home Division's $5 million in annual sales was truly incremental to the brand.
  2. How would you measure the incremental amount prior to shutting down the Home division at the end of 2018??

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