July 22, 2019

Your Agency Should Be Able To Help You

Most of the time, you want your vendor partners to help you with circulation decisions. 80% of my work used to be in this realm. But now you love working with your existing catalog marketing agency. I know this because y'all tell me you have your favorites.

Well, your favorite catalog marketing agency should easily be able to produce a simulation environment for you that tells you, for every single customer on your customer file, how many mailings a customer should receive annually and how many pages each catalog should be comprised of.

It's so easy to do this.

You use the following:
  1. Your Organic Percentage, by Customer.
  2. Your Frequency Testing Results - Obtain Your Elasticity Curve And Give It To Your Favorite Agency.
  3. Your Page Count Analytics And/Or Testing - Obtain Your Elasticity Curve And Give It To Your Favorite Agency.
With these three pieces, your agency can easily create a simulation for you, by customer, showing the optimal strategy. Here's a classic example of one of my simple simulations.

Go to your favorite catalog agency RIGHT NOW (Cohere One or Belardi/Wong come to mind) and ask them to put the simulation environment together for you. They're fully capable of doing this, and the outcome is going to give them and your printer a lot more business to manage.

Your sales increase. Their sales increase. What's not to like?

Go to them right now and ask them to create the simulation environment for you.

Right now!

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