August 19, 2018

National Mail Order Catalog Day

Did you know that Saturday was National Mail Order Catalog Day?

Notice that the article was two years old. And referred to catalogs as junk mail. And they were being positive.

We have Amazon generating $3,000,000,000 to $4,000,000,000 for Prime Day. Nordstrom wrapped up their Anniversary Sale, generating Christmas-level business in the second half of July (which, by the way, is hard to do).

A quick scan of Twitter showed maybe three or four dozen tweets, world-wide. A mention from Catalog University (click here). A mention from Lands' End Business.

Those in the catalog industry know and understand a fundamental truth ... the industry struggles with Awareness Programs. It's hard to acquire customers when you don't have a credible Customer Awareness Program. Heck, the industry cannot even capitalize on a day dedicated to it.

And it's hard to have a credible Customer Awareness Program when you don't value Creative Professionals. Creative Professionals do work that does not translate to immediate ROI (like, say, Google can). That doesn't mean you don't hire Creative Professionals, or hire the right agency to do your work. Ask Duluth Trading Company what the ROI is on Creative Advertising.

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