December 18, 2016

Join Me at VT/NH Marketing Group on March 30

Alright folks, it's time for you to light-those-lights (for those of you who enjoy 1970s televised telethon moments) and sign up to attend the VT/NH Marketing Group session on March 30!!

I am going to try something different this year. Instead of a presentation, I am going to host a business simulation. Somewhere between ten and twenty teams are going to compete for a Coveted MineThatData Pickaxe ... the team generating the most sales and most profit win the coveted prize. Following the business simulation, we'll talk about the metrics that you wish you had access to in order to better run your business. We'll conclude with a discussion about metrics in general.

This is an experience you won't get an any other conference ... you pay almost nothing, you absolutely get something. How do you beat that??

Sign up right now - let's sell this thing out before Christmas!!

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