August 07, 2016

Interview Questions

I am going to try something different for the next week two weeks. I am going to pretend that you are interviewing for a Leadership position. Each day, I am going to present you with an interview question. Your job is to work through the question, and provide a competent/credible answer. You don't get to offer vague responses ("it depends, Kevin"). You simply have to answer the question.

Questions will be asked on 8/8, 8/9, 8/10, 8/11, and 8/12.

The 8/8 question will be addressed on 8/15. The 8/9 question will be addressed on 8/16. The 8/10 question will be addressed on 8/17. The 8/11 question will be addressed on 8/18. The 8/12 question will be addressed on 8/19. Some of you are going to answer one specific question (you'll probably know what it is when you read it), and then some of you are going to be really mad at me when I discuss the answer to the question.

August 8 Question:  You used to send three email campaigns per week, generating $0.20 each. You increased your contact strategy to five campaigns per week, generating $0.13 each. 40% of sales flow through to profit. Was the decision to go from three campaigns per week to five campaigns per week a good decision?

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