August 19, 2015

Final Day To Get In On The MineThatData Elite Program At Half-Price - Act Now!!!

Contact me ( and get in, now ... in a few hours, the cost of membership doubles. Doubles! Your CFO won't like it when you get in at a price double what you'd have gotten by simply responding TODAY.

Here are the details of the program (click here) ... $1,000 just three times a year ... it's not like I am asking you to spend $100,000 for a web analytics solution. Heck, you know I am on to something when industry vendors start publicly talking about addressing merchandise productivity.

Remember the most coveted aspect of Elite Program participation?

Yes - this! You get the pick-axe lapel pin. Wear it proudly!!

You'll learn how your merchandise productivity is impacting your business. If you want my typical Merchandise Forensics framework (50 projects in the past three years), well, that's a separate project. This is more like your annual physical - you will know if your customers do not like your merchandise, and you will know how you stack up against other participants.

I have a lofty goal:

  • 200 Participants By Spring 2016.
We're off to a great start! Make the goal happen. Light those lights, as they used to say in the old-school telethons. Get in on the ground floor while the cost is inexpensive. Learn how your Merchandise Productivity and new+reactivated customer counts stack up against other participants. For $1,000 ... three times a year. It's practically free. As Glenn Glieber says, "I love free marketing!" What would stop you from participating? Be honest!

Why is Merchandise Productivity important?
  • 80% of my Merchandise Forensics projects strongly suggest that merchandise missteps, not channel strategy or marketing strategy, is the reason why a business is struggling.
  • A 10% increase in Merchandise Productivity allows the marketer to invest more, typically leading to a 15% increase in reactivation rates, new buyers counts, and retained buyers. The marketer looks great when Merchandise Productivity looks great. The marketer gets fired when Merchandise Productivity is bad.
  • Profit comes from Merchandise Productivity. Period. Ask Apple. When you understand Merchandise Productivity, you understand why you business isn't at 10% pre-tax profit, and you understand the productivity needed to get there.
  • Merchandise Productivity can be changed. When the marketer figures out what is going on, the marketer can partner with the Merchant ... the marketer can feature new items that have potential, fueling those items to best seller status. When more new items become best sellers, the future of the business is assured.
So this is it - get in now at $1,000 every three months. Tomorrow, the cost doubles, and on January 1, the cost is going to increase to $2,500 every three months. So you can still save money by joining prior to 1/1/2016.

Participate! Now!!

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