February 08, 2015

Final Slides For The Session On February 19

Here you go, my final set of slides for my session at the VT/NH Marketing Group session on February 19. Click here to download the slides.

Why aren't you going to be there? Click here to register. We're looking at 180ish attendees. That's a lot of attendees.

P.S. I am going to spend a considerable amount of time talking about "story". I've analyzed more than 150 companies since founding MineThatData - it is very, very clear what causes companies to be successful.
  • 50% of success comes from merchandising brilliance.
  • 30% of success comes from low-cost customer acquisition programs and an absolute corporate zeal to acquire new customers at a low cost.
  • 20% of success comes from the story the brand tells.
Let's think about story for a moment. Here is what I saw during a recent visit to Macy's:

Tell me what the story is? 

Tell me what Zulily's story is:

  • "Something Special Every Day."
  • "New Tomorrow".
  • "Invite Friends, Earn Credit"
  • "Share With Friends, Earn Credit".
Their story communicates merchandise, low-customer customer acquisition, and a story "every day ... new" all at the same time.

We're going to go through 45 images like this at the session. Many of the images are from the companies you work for. Think carefully about the percentages above.

  • Merchandise ... do you sell stuff that Amazon or Big Box stores sell? Hmmm.
  • Low Cost New Customer Acquisition ... do you have strategies in place, or do you pay Abacus a bunch of money and cross your fingers?
  • Story ... what story are you communicating to your customers?

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