January 20, 2015

Updated Slides For The February Presentation In Concord, NH

Click here, dear friends, for updated slides for the VT/NH Marketing Group presentation in Concord on February 19.

I added another 30-40 slides ... I won't get to them all, and that's ok. I changed the second half of the presentation, where we'll spend some time talking about the future as it relates to the stories we tell our customers. Based on your feedback, I'll update them if necessary.

Click here to register ... do it soon, the place is filling up. I'm told the attendees are exactly the kind of folks you want to spend time with, so don't waste any time ... join me on February 19! No selling, low cost, high quality content from the other presenters (you can judge my stuff by looking at the slides).

I'm really excited to do this, folks. No selling. Low cost. An opportunity to discuss ideas, to discuss the future. Where else are you going to get that?

If you're not interested in going, please email me (kevinh@minethatdata.com) and let me know what dissuades you from attending, or what you'd need to see to attend in the future.

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