January 20, 2015

Penney Is Mailing A Catalog

The old-school PR blitz by Baby Boomer media is telling:
If your customer is Judy (average age = 62), mail a catalog. Please. Mail lots of 'em. And generate a ton of profit in the process. Please - do it!

If your customer is Jennifer (average age = 46), don't mail more than 3 per year, it's not worth it. I've tested it, over and over and over again. You are not a cataloger, you mail a quarterly catalog to stimulate some demand. 

If your customer is Jasmine (average age = 30), catalogs are as relevant to her as are vinyl records.

If your customer is Jadyn (average age = 14), you should read this story about Snapchat Stories ... one billion (1,000,000,000) are viewed each and every day (click here). Let that one sink in. One. Billion. Each. Day. Or read this story about fast fashion (click here).

You are so much smarter than the content in the articles. You don't market to "the customer", as the articles say. Instead, you segment "your customers". You don't adhere to mailing catalogs to every demographic. You don't require the entire business to be omni-channel in an effort to allow others to be paid via your profit.

JCP mailing a catalog is not proof that catalogs work. If it were proof, then JCP never would have stopped mailing them in the first place. You can't have it both ways.

JCP has no choice but to try things (good for them) ... their sales have not rebounded under new/old management. They have to do something. Have to. If they are targeting their new catalog to Judy, they're being very, very smart.

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