March 26, 2014

An Omnichannel Retail White Paper

Here's an interesting way to spend ten minutes this morning ... click here to download a paper called "Customer Desires vs. Retailer Capabilties: Minding The Omnichannel Commerce Gap".

As it says on the cover page ... this is a "Forrester Consulting Thought Leadership Paper Commissioned by Accenture and hybris, an SAP Company".

In the comments section, please leave your thoughts about the paper. What do you like about it, where do you have a difference of opinion? From a retail standpoint, is this the direction that you think retail needs to take, and if not, what direction do you recommend?


1 comment:

  1. One of the questions asked of the sample of 256 C-suite retail executives was "To serve today’s customers, we have to improve our omni-channel capabilities", but only 42% agreed with this. Surely the other 58% must be wrong. Or those 58% are Omnichannel deniers.


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