December 18, 2013

Attribution Simulations: Vendors And Clients, A Product Opportunity For You

Ok, we've spent three weeks talking about Attribution Simulations. The benefits are obvious, there's no arguing that.

And your current attribution vendor is highly unlikely to incorporate attribution results into a five year forecast, allowing you to simulate how different marketing channels impact the future health of your business.

So, I'm going to make the latest version of Attribution Simulations available to my clients, and make it available to the vendor community.

Kevin's Clients:
  • Cost = $29,000, regardless of business size. Contact me now ( to get your Attribution Simulation started.
Vendors - You Have Two Choices:
  • Contact me for the price (I expect to sell about eight of these things a year, to give you an idea of my sales potential - imagine what your sales potential might be) ... I will teach you how I create the simulations, soup to nuts. Your job is to convert the Attribution Simulation into software that your clients can use. I get to keep creating Attribution Simulations for my current/future clients, you get to sell the tool to your current/future clients. Contact me ( for additional details. If you are a catalog co-op, or database provider, then this solution is right up your alley. Heck, the simulations typically demonstrate that catalogers under-invest in new customer acquisition - the simulation will help your cause more than it will help clients (well, it will help both, no doubt).
  • Exclusive Use ... I will accept bids through January 15 ... if you submit the highest bid (contact me at to learn the minimum bid amount), you get exclusive use of the Attribution Simulation ... no other vendor will be allowed to purchase the educational process from me. But, again, bids will only be accepted through January 15.
I think we all agree that the combination of Attribution algorithms and a futuristic Simulation framework yields something that any CEO / CFO / CMO would love to use. Let's get busy using Attribution Simulations!

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