October 01, 2013

MineThatData Radio - #Omnichannel / #shoporg13 Edition

Loyal MineThatData followers - here's something new for you - it's the first episode of MineThatData Radio!

In this first episode, I talk about one of the themes at this year's Shop.org conference - Omnichannel! It's just me, sharing a lot of information about omnichannel, based on an awful lot of project work conducted over the past few years.

Today's episode is all business, and for good reason - omnichannel is a big topic. In future episodes, you may find a little business humor sprinkled in as well.


I'm going to do something different with MineThatData Radio. I am repeatedly hounded by folks who want free access to this blog ... "your readers would love to learn how we helped a brand increase engagement by 943%, please publish this guest post immediately, and thanks for your help."

Within the radio show, and only within the radio show, I am willing to conduct interviews, as long as they are beneficial to the audience who chooses to listen to MineThatData Radio. And I am willing to interview anybody - CEOs, EVPs, Vendors, Web Analysts at Williams Sonoma, Independent Consultants, Trade Journalists.

If you would like the opportunity to share what you've learned about customer behavior, to an audience of 2,500 blog subscribers, 4,900 Twitter followers, and the 325,000 folks who've previously visited the MineThatData Blog (shared only via MineThatData Radio, not through any other content here on this blog), here's the conditions for inclusion - email me (kevinh@minethatdata.com) answers to the following questions:
  1. What is the topic you wish to discuss? The topic must be related to e-commerce, retailing, modern catalog marketing, or analytics. I'm not going accept "Eight Ways Social Media Can Turbocharge Your Business", or "Four Ways To Optimize Your Website For Breakthrough Performance" or "Six Ways That Mobile Changes Everything Forever" or "Twenty-Nine Ways That Gen-Y Engages With Content". That stuff is nonsense. You must bring your A-game to MineThatData Radio.
  2. What is the case study or information you will point to, in order to prove that whatever you want to talk about is important and will generate an increase in profitability? If you are a printer, and you have a new format for direct mail, and a client got an 11% increase in response over a control, you're well on your way to being on the show. If you are a web analyst, and you have a new way of analyzing data that my clients can benefit from, you are well on your way to being on the show. If you are an e-commerce vendor, and you increased conversion rates for a large client by 9%, and you are willing to share specific, in-the-weeds details, you'll be considered.
  3. How might you promote the podcast and MineThatData services, where appropriate?
Answers to the three questions listed above are mandatory for consideration. Following consideration, I promise to be respectful, honest, kind, to not demean you, and to give your thoughts a fair hearing. Hopefully, you will enjoy the experience.

Let's give this a try, folks!

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