November 07, 2012

It's Here! Hillstrom's Email Marketing Excellence

If you are tired of opens/clicks/conversions ... if you're exhausted by folks telling you that email marketing is dead ... if you want to see where email marketing fits among the "omni-channel" marketing mix ... if you want to communicate to Sr. Management how important email marketing is ...

... then this booklet is for you!

Hillstrom's Email Marketing Excellence is now available, from Amazon.
Yes, I lowered the Kindle price (I was going to charge $4.95), as an incentive to encourage you to order the booklet in digital form.  Yes, I'll be measuring the difference in sales (and the print version has to be priced where it is, given the costs associated with print on demand and color images ... the price difference represents the challenges anything associated with print will face going forward ... FYI, my profit is basically equal in each version).

The booklet focuses on three main areas.
  1. How email marketing fits into the Direct Marketing Success Pyramid.
  2. Goals and Objectives for email marketing success (not opens/clicks/conversions or subject line manipulation).
  3. Email Forensics - analytics that prove to your organization that email marketing matters.
Executives in the audience will be particularly interested in the Email Forensics section ... click here to contact me for your own, personalized Email Forensics project.

At 72 pages, this is a quick read.  You're going to learn a lot about how to communicate the importance of email marketing in your organization.  And you're going to learn how to analyze your business in a way that clearly demonstrates the importance of email marketing.

What you won't get (there's hundreds of books and millions of blog articles that tell you how to do this stuff):
  • You won't hear anything about opens/clicks/conversions.  These metrics do not illustrate the profitability of email marketing, on an annual basis.
  • You won't get tips for maximizing subject line performance.
  • You won't learn anything about creative strategies.
  • You won't learn about traditional best practices.
You're going to see a different side of email marketing, one where executives fully understand the profit contribution of email marketing, one where you learn interesting facts about how to weight historical transactions for trigger-based programs and multi-version campaigns.  You'll learn how to execute five year sales forecasts, and you'll learn communication techniques that prove email marketing isn't dead.


  1. Do you have the book in epub format? I want to buy it but I have the B&N Nook which doesn't read Kindle format :(

  2. No, I don't ... I used to release books via B&N ... I'd sell 200 on Amazon and 1 via B&N, so I just went the Amazon route.


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