September 12, 2012

Forecasting 2013

Ok, a quick show of hands ... how many of you have a handy-dandy forecasting worksheet that helps you understand what your business will look like over the next five years, one that incorporates actual customer repurchase rates and spend per buyer?

You need something like this, folks.

Look at this business.  It is stuck.  It has a perfect balance of new buyers and existing buyers repurchasing at a rate that yields a business that isn't moving.  At all.

Ok, a quick show of hands.  How many of you have a CEO that sees a business that is forecast to be at $77,000,000 for each of the next five years and is perfectly happy with that?

Next week, we'll talk a bit about customer loyalty.


  1. Sorry, may be I missed something.
    I couldn`t figure out HOW this plot is made and how to find location which products to promote to new customers.

  2. The data that generates the image is from your customer data warehouse (or from comparable clients).

    The programming code is not supplied, that's your job.

    The template is similar to the forecasting worksheets that are listed under "Important MineThatData Resources".


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Mini-Project Opportunity

Let's try something. I have a brief hole in my calendar for the first week of April. Some of you (in recent weeks) have mentioned to me ...