August 12, 2012

Dear Catalog CEOs: Omnichannel

Dear Catalog CEOs:

Do me a favor.

Read this article (click here).

Here's the second article (click here).

Or this one from Bain Capital (click here).

Here's a fourth article (click here).

A fifth article (click here).

A sixth article (click here).

A seventh article (you have nothing better to do today, so just read it).

In the comments section, please outline your definition of "omnichannel".  Please outline the expected amount of annual profit gain a business should expect from a highly coherent omnichannel strategy.  Where possible, cite a case study of a business that generated a significant annual (not campaign) sales and profit improvement due to an omnichannel strategy.

Tomorrow, we'll consider whether it even matters to be "omnichannel".

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post. It’s Very informative and well writing.


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