February 01, 2011

Dear Catalog CEOs: MEGA PROFIT!!!!

Dear Catalog CEOs:

I averaged the results for a year's worth of Catalog PhD projects.  Here are the results:
  • Average Annual Sales For Each Business = $211,142,000. 
  • Average Annual Profit From Each Project = $1,996,000.

Here are the results after throwing out the highest and lowest outcomes:
  • Average Annual Sales For Each Business = $166,000,000.
  • Average Annual Profit From Each Project = $1,401,200.
Annual Profit is not necessarily dependent upon the size of business.  Here are the average annual profit results for businesses under $100,000,000 a year:
  • Average Annual Sales For Each Business = $48,600,000.
  • Average Annual Profit From Each Project = $854,600.
That's a lot of profit ... folks, that's MEGA PROFIT!

This is important.  The leading catalog vendors talk to you, and, of course, they are going to recommend that you do not work with me ... and for good reason ... because when you work with me, they lose business.  Some tell you that I want to put catalogers out of business, UNTRUE!

No, I want for you to contact customers PROFITABLY, that's all.  And there's a lot of fat to be trimmed ... we simply mail some customers too few catalogs, and we simply mail a lot of customers too many catalogs.  I want for you to pocket the profit ... or to reinvest it in catalog customer acquisition or in other online, mobile, or social strategies.  You can grow your business by reinvesting the savings in housefile in acquisition activities.  Think about it.

Is that such a bad thing?

If your catalog vendor pushes back when you tell them you're thinking of working with me, then ask them one simple question ... are they willing to give away all of their secrets for $7.95 in print, and $2.99 via Kindle?  I am.

There couldn't be a better time to partner with me on a Catalog PhD project ... the results are self-evident.  Either buy the book (click here for print ... click here for Kindle), or contact me (click here) now to begin working on your own customized project.

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