August 05, 2010

ECMOD 2010 London

About 15% of MineThatData Nation joins us each day from Europe. I sincerely appreciate our European followers ... blog posts are purposely published in the evening here in the Pacific Northwest so that our European friends have fresh content first thing in the morning!

Now our European friends can get fresh content live, in person. The kind folks at the ECMOD conference have invited me to share information on two different topics.
  • 35 Things Catalogers Can Do To Improve Profitability Tomorrow Morning.
  • Effective Matchback / Allocation Strategies And Methodologies.
Here's a press release for the conference.

Here's a link, follow it and register for the conference now ... what's better than London in early October?

And follow the good folks at ECMOD on Twitter!

1 comment:

  1. John Webb3:18 AM

    Superb, I enjoyed your session a few years back. Will see you there!


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