June 07, 2009

Your Thoughts On Gliebers Dresses?

We're two weeks into this experiment with Gliebers Dresses. Time for a few metrics, and a few thoughts.:

  • RSS readership at an article level is up at least 20% since starting the series. It is probably up far more than 20% --- I tested against a Zappos article --- anything about Zappos has historically been most popular, and we're seeing a 20% bump in readership against the Zappos article.
  • Comments are up 300% since starting the series.
  • Twitter: Re-Tweets are down about 50% since starting the case study. The Twitterati are not generally supportive of the series, though about a dozen nice folks have mentioned the series.
  • Favorites: Stories about each individual Executive Team member are clearly the most popular, followed by Executive Meetings, followed by anything that my character talks about in the case study, followed by the story about the CRM Manager.
So, it is time for your comments. Do you want to see this style of communicating Multichannel Forensics topics continued? We've got a few more weeks of content coming ... your thoughts going forward are appreciated.


  1. Kevin

    The series is some of your most instructive work. It causes the reader to see himself/herself in at least one, generally more, of the characters. It also causes us to see ourselves as others see us, a view that is often unpleasantly surprising.

    For me, the story so far is exactly what I have experienced as an advisor to senior managers over thirty years. There is the frustration that is experienced by everyone involved in nearly any business review. There is the denial, the turf war, the rare flash of insight and brilliance, the tension between "old school" and "new school", the all too often "knee jerks" and the universal failure to understand the facts and the math. These are formulaic, mathematic businesses and they are usually managed instead by strong emotions and opinions which often condemn these companies to mediocrity and wasted resources.

    I am beginning to experience senior executives who are saying, "Thank goodness someone will say it like it is. We are so obsessed with online minutia and technology that no one understands any longer the basic math and precision of our direct marketing business."

    The Gleiber Dress Company will not only be extremely helpful, but it will assuredly become a small "classic" among thoughtful direct marketers. It is great work!



  2. i agree with libby - a lot of the multichannel stuff can go over my head when talked about at an academic level but bringing it into the real world makes it easier to understand.

    great stuff that makes me look smarter when i send it to my clients!



  3. Nice writing Kevin. These stories bring your thinking to life.

    Your stories illustrate the often frustrating lack of focus to the key issues during these meetings. The "leaders" are bouncing off the walls in directionless banter. But you somehow manage to keep them somewhat on course.

    It makes for interesting dynamics.

    Thanks for a great post. Ted


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