April 08, 2009

ACCM 2009: Attend My Session And Get A Speaker Discount For The Conference

I've heard from many of you who plan on attending my talk at ACCM 2009 in New Orleans. Now how about the rest of you??

My session is on Wednesday, May 6, from 11:15am - 12:15pm, and is titled "Multichannel Customer Behavior: Profit By Understanding The Role Of Geography". We'll do a deep dive into the magical world of Zip Code Forensics, the leading (and free) geographical segmentation tool for direct marketers.

There's still time to register, and if you use this form, you can receive a 25% discount because you are a loyal member of MineThatData Nation.

I'll be around on Wednesday (5/6) if you wish to get together to talk about your Multichannel Forensics project, or you wish to discuss an upcoming Multichannel Forensics project.

And I might even bring along a couple of Multichannel Forensics books to share with loyal blog readers.

So please attend my session!!!!

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