January 11, 2009

Data Analyst Day: February 2, 2009!!!!!!

Economy got you down? Layoff pending? Tired of going to work and seeing -18% on the comp store sales report, or tired of seeing e-commerce sales at -3% every day?

Let's start the new fiscal year on a good note!

Today, I am formally announcing a new holiday. Monday, February 2 will be "Data Analyst Day", a world-wide day-long celebration of all that is good in the world of data analysis!

Maybe you are an Information Technology expert who just worked a weekend to create a dashboard for your Executive team.

Maybe you are a Business Intelligence staffer who recently used Business Objects to prove that certain store employees are worth 20% more than others.

Maybe you are a SAS/SPSS Programmer who calculated the lifetime value of multichannel customers.

Maybe you are a Web Analytics professional who demonstrated that branded search terms have a 15% larger average order value than other search terms.

Maybe you are a Catalog Circulation manager who saved your company $1.2 million dollars in expense by trimming unprofitable customer acquisition names.

Maybe you are an E-Mail Marketing director who developed six customized, personalized versions of a campaign that delivered a 20% improvement in $-per-e-mail.

Maybe you work in a fulfillment center, and you saved your company $300,000 in efficiencies, and you did so without touting yourself to Sr. Management.

Maybe you work at a Catalog Co-Op and you anonymously made your clients $3.5 million in profit by targeting the best names available.

Maybe you work in Online Marketing, and your portal advertising strategies caused a 4% increase in website traffic on the same ad-spend as last year.

Maybe you work at Catalog Choice, and your analytical efforts helped influence catalogers in a way that saved 222,000 trees last month.

Maybe you work at a Social Media startup, and you proved that certain users are "uber-influencers" who deserve special treatment.

Maybe you just deserve some recognition!

No matter the job or reason, you all work hard to analyze data to help your company succeed, or to help customers get more targeted communications. You deserve a day just for you!

If you have any great stories or bios of data analysts who made a difference, forward them to me in Microsoft Word or E-Mail or .PDF format and if I get a suitable quantity of good nominations, I'll publish a "top 50" or "top 100" list on February 2.

So SPREAD THE WORD --- February 2, 2009 is a world-wide event --- it is Data Analyst Day, celebrating all that is good in the world of Analytics!!!!

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