October 17, 2008

Selling Saturday

For the half of the subscriber base that is new, I'll take a moment to humbly remind you of some of the resources available here. For the long-time blog loyalist, go ahead and move on to the next article in your RSS reader!

Hillstrom's Database Marketing is a resource for the business intelligence analyst and web analytics expert. The reader is immersed in analytical techniques that illustrate customer behavior across channels. The $95.00 book is available from Amazon.com and For Better Books.

Hillstrom's Multichannel Forensics is how I make a living! The book provides a soup-to-nuts approach for analyzing how customers interact with advertising, products, brands, and channels. I've worked on Multichannel Forensics projects for more than three dozen brands, debunking many of the multichannel trends we're taught to observe. This $95.00 book is also available from Amazon.com and For Better Books.

Hillstrom's Multichannel Secrets is a quick read for folks looking for tips about multichannel customer behavior. This book has been popular among multichannel leaders. Hillstrom's Multichannel Secrets is available from Lulu.com for $14.95 (paperback) or $7.95 (download).

Hillstrom's Contact Strategy Optimization On A Budget is an e-book and spreadsheet tailored to the multichannel executive or business intelligence analyst looking to quantify how many catalog and e-mail contacts are "right" for any given customer segment. This leader is looking to get 80% of the ROI for 1% of the cost! For just $79, the leader obtains valuable tools that will yield a huge ROI boost. Hillstrom's Contact Strategy Optimization On A Budget is available at the MineThatData Store on Lulu.com.

Hillstrom's Zip Code Forensics is a popular geography-based segmentation tool that allows the multichannel executive to identify high spending customers who live in catalog-preference or online-preference regions. In actual tests against real customer data, multichannel executives have been able to improve segment response by ten percent. Learn more by clicking here!

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Hillstrom's Action Streams Is Available on Amazon!

Finally! I had some free time to get this little 48 page booklet processed via Amazon. The booklet summarizes my thought process over the pa...