April 07, 2008

Zappos CEO Blog And Other Zappos Micro-Channels

In case you're wondering how the CEO of a brand that grew from $0 to $800 million in a decade views the world (without the use of catalog marketing, folks), give the Zappos CEO Blog a try, written by Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh.

URL: http://blogs.zappos.com/blogs/ceo-blog.

Zappos hosts a series of blogs / micro-channels:
As you probably already know, micro-channels help you in Google natural search results, driving visitors to your site, resulting in increased organic demand. Hint: Organic demand, demand generated without marketing expense, is a REALLY GOOD thing!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:29 PM

    It would probably help if the blogs were actually good. The running one definitely isn't!!!


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