April 22, 2008

New Book: Hillstrom's Multichannel Secrets! Get The Draft Version For Free Prior To April 26

My new handbook, "Hillstrom's Multichannel Secrets" will be available next week!!

I've taken a different approach with this handbook. Whereas "Hillstrom's Database Marketing" and "Hillstrom's Multichannel Forensics" focused on the math that supports our craft, "Hillstrom's Multichannel Secrets" outlines "Fifty-Nine Facts Every CEO Can Use To Improve Profitability".

The handbook is written primarily for the Catalog CEO, but applies to the Catalog Executive, Retail Executive, Online Executive, E-Mail Marketing Executive, and anybody who has to deal with multichannel marketing and advertising issues.

Inspired by two of the most popular posts in the history of this blog, 73 Vital Multichannel Catalog Marketing Tips and 53 Vital Multichannel Website / Online Marketing Tips, the handbook drills down on issues every CEO must understand. You'll read all about Catalog Choice, Co-Op Database Use, Matchbacks, Key-Codes, RFM, Test/Control Groups, Online Buyer Lifetime Value, Remail Catalogs, Clickstream Integration, Channel Compromise, E-Mail Marketing, Social Media, List Death, and dozens of additional topics.

There are no fancy charts or complex mathematical formulas in this handbook. You'll simply find 72 pages of high-level facts that CEOs can use to improve profitability, information that many folks believe are proprietary to their business. Given the forces conspiring against the multichannel marketing industry, it is important that all of us improve our base of multichannel marketing knowledge.

When available late next week, the paperback handbook will be available for $14.95. I am self-publishing the handbook using Lulu.

Many of you have been loyal blog readers, and have purchased my previous books. I'd like to give you a little perk for helping build this blog. If you would like to preview the handbook, please send me an e-mail prior to April 26, and I will forward you a PDF file of the next-to-last draft version of the handbook. The PDF will not include the cover (the cover may also change slightly between today and the release date), and the PDF is subject to modification in the final stages of being proofed.

As always, thank you for joining me in this multichannel marketing journey!

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Hunt Brothers Pizza

An appropriate topic for pi day (3/14). Are they retail experts? Absolutely! 9,500 locations, nine-figure sales. You can't toss a wind-b...