February 05, 2008

Survey Results: What Will E-Mail Marketing Look Like In 2015?

Please visit the homepage for this week's survey about Catalog Choice.

About a third of The MineThatData Blog are e-mail advocates. That's what makes the results of this survey so interesting.

Question: What Will E-Mail Marketing Look Like In 2015?
  • 24%: E-Mail continues to be a campaign-based branding and promotional tool.
  • 8%: E-Mail becomes a trigger-based targeting strategy that increases sales among engaged consumers.
  • 56%: E-Mail evolves in ways we cannot yet forecast.
  • 12%: E-Mail marketing is a craft that is irreparably harmed by spam, over-mailing, and/or better technology.
Very few of you believe e-mail marketing will continue in its current form, even though so many of you actively practice this form of e-mail marketing.

Even more interesting, almost nobody believes what many e-mail pundits tell us e-mail should become, a personalized, trigger-based targeting system.

More than half of you think e-mail will evolve in some way that we cannot yet forecast.

Care to offer your opinion as to how you think e-mail marketing will evolve?

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