November 15, 2007

E-Mail And Catalog Profit Visualization

"Back in the day" at Lands' End, we had a team that measured the profitability of every spread in our core catalogs.

Even though this information was stored in a database for easy retrieval, the most effective presentation of the profitability of each spread (in my opinion, or IMHO to use the parlance of the day) occurred in a conference room.

Each spread was adhered to colored tag board.
  • Gold Tag Board = 30% or better variable operating profit for that spread.
  • Green Tag Board = 20% to 29.9% VOP for that spread.
  • Blue Tag Board = 10% to 19.9% VOP for that spread.
  • Red Tag Board = Worse than 10% VOP for that spread.
When we sat down to review a catalog, each spread was posted in the conference room, in order, from page 2-3 to the back cover.

Instantly, the "profit story" became clear. Visually, a rookie database marketer like myself could see what worked, what didn't work. Visually, I could see how merchandising and creative themes interacted to generate profit. I could see how one model yielded gold/green results, while another model turned customers off.

If you are an e-mail marketer, and you wish to effectively communicate with old-school marketers at your company, give this strategy a try.

Maybe you sent 20 e-mail marketing campaigns last quarter. For each campaign, sum the performance of all of your targeted versions, and adhere the main creative treatment to a piece of colored tag board. Do this for each of the twenty campaigns, and post the performance for all to see.

Each targeted version gets real estate on the tag board as well, with its own background color (gold, green, blue, red, or whatever scheme you wish to employ). Most certainly, you're measuring the profitability of each targeted version of an e-mail campaign, rolling the profit of each version up to a total level of profitability, right?

Invite your old-school CMO into the conference room, and review your twenty campaigns in this manner. Stop talking about open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, landing pages, Outlook 2007, HTML vs. Text, rendering problems on mobile phones, and all the other gobbelty-gook that causes your old-school CMO to tune out. Simply focus on the colors. Explain how you're going to do more "gold and green" strategies. Explain why the CMO's recommendations resulted in "blue and red" performance.

And then, behind the scenes, build an OLAP-styled repository to store your historical results. Store open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, dollars-per-e-mail, sales driven to the telephone, sales driven to stores, test results, profitability, and "gold/green/blue/red" status.

By the time your CMO is comfortable with your presentation style, you might even be able to surprise her with your OLAP-styled repository. Ok, maybe not!

And if you practice web analytics for a profession, would it be so hard to apply these principals to your landing pages, so that you can bridge the gap between all of your fancy data and the old-school marketers who don't understand what you're talking about? Give it a try!

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