November 14, 2007

Attention CEOs, CMOs, Owners, Principals: The F. Curtis Barry & Company Executive Forum

I'm pleased to announce that I will be facilitating a session at the Executive Forum! If you are a CEO, CMO, Owner, or Principal of a Multichannel Catalog, Online or Retail business, this event is for you!

Leaders of the top multichannel (catalog, e-commerce, and retail) companies will gather in Ft. Lauderdale, FL on February 24-26, 2008 at the Lago Mar Resort and Club for Executive Forum 2008. The annual event, co-sponsored by F. Curtis Barry & Company and MineThatData, draws executives from top multichannel companies who come together to network and share ideas in an open forum setting. There is limited space available, 40 seats (2 people max from each company), so don't hesitate to register.

What will be discussed at Executive Forum 2008?

Click here to read the growing list of hot topics and talking points that will be covered and discussed in detail at Executive Forum 2008.

Schedule for Executive Forum 2008

Executive Forum 2008 begins on Sunday, February 24, 2008 at 2:00 PM in the hotel conference room. Executive Forum 2008 wraps-up on Tuesday, February 26 at 2:00 PM.

Click here for general agenda for Executive Forum 2008. Topics and times will be split out closer to the time of Executive Forum 2008.

Cost for Executive Forum 2008

$100 Early Bird Special - If you officially register and pay in full by December 31, 2007, we will apply a $100 discount to the full price fee of $895. This will make your early bird special $795 per participant. The Early Bird Special applies to each participant registered from your company. Limited to 2 participants per company.

Full Price - If you officially register after December 31, 2007 the registration fee is at full price of $895 per participant.

Hotel for Executive Forum 2008

The hotel for Executive Forum 2008 is the Lago Mar Resort and Club in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. The special room rate is $265/night. Please let them know that you are with the F. Curtis Barry & Company group to receive this special room rate.

Note - All reservations and cancellations are to be made by each individual. The room rate, taxes, and any incidentals are not included in Executive Forum 2008 fee and must be paid by each individual.

Cancellation Policy for Executive Forum 2008

If you must cancel for any reason, please notify us in writing by January 7, 2008 to receive a full refund. Cancellations from January 8, 2008 through January 18, 2008 will receive a 50% registration refund. Refunds cannot be granted on cancellations on or after January 24, 2008. You may, however, transfer your registration to another person at any time.

Registering for Executive Forum 2008

Click here to register for Executive Forum 2008

Past Executive Forum Reviews

Executives who have attended gave Executive Forum “rave reviews,” citing it as a “must attend” for their companies. Here are a few:

“Very good program, came away with several actionable ideas.”
– Bill Stanners, Chief Financial Officer, Norm Thompson Outfitters

“You got more than enough good information to cover the cost of the trip.”
– Jay Alpert, President, Professional Cutlery Direct

“The Forum was much more valuable than other conference-type events. I gained many ideas for the future.”
– Jay Allen, Marketing Director, Rochester Clothing

“Great opportunity for information sharing. Informal networking is just as valuable as the formal sessions.”
– Greg Kadens, Partner, Chiasso

– Layne Lowery, President, Health Resources

"Prior years I walked away with 2 quick $70,000+ ideas. This year my takeaway is much more strategic.”
– Liz Plotnick, Snay, Chief Operations Officer, Gooseberry Patch

“Good people, good ideas, high caliber facilitation, and 2 very productive days.”
– Charles Silver, Vice President Marketing, Bloomingdale’s Direct

Who do I contact about Executive Forum 2008?

Please contact Jeff Barry at or 804-740-8743.

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