September 03, 2007

Looking For A Few Good Women And Men

I am frequently asked three questions.
  • Which vendor/consultant do you recommend for search marketing?
  • Which vendor/consultant do you recommend for e-mail marketing?
  • Which vendor/consultant is great at catalog-based multichannel marketing?
I have a short list of folks I recommend. I recommend folks who are good people, who put the needs of the client above "selling" products and services. I recommend folks who are gifted at what they do, and are passionate about what they do.

Here's your chance to contribute.

Use the comments section to recommend your favorite search marketing, e-mail marketing, or catalog marketing vendor/consultant. Who do you like working with, and why?

Vendors --- if you choose to leave a comment, please be forthright about who you are and why you are commenting. I'd prefer to not delete any comments.


  1. I hope she doesn't mind, but I'd recommend email expert / popular speaker / MediaPost "email diva" Melinda Krueger. She's passionate about email, smart, imaginative and a treat to work with. You can find her by Googling or reaching her through MediaPost, I'm sure.

  2. Thanks for the opportunity. I am plugging my own company, BrightWave Marketing ( so take that for what it is worth.

    However, I think we are a good fit for many of your readers as we are email specialists and not software providers. We work with large and small companies (client list ranging from Lowe's to Denison University and are not pushing a platform.

    We were created 5 years ago and still focus on the basic goal of trying to help clients manage and improve their email campaigns and the many key aspects that fall into that; creative, strategy, list growth, reporting.

    BrightWave Marketing is an industry thought leader (we created with the EEC) and my articles for iMedia Connection have been called "one of the top 21 email marketing information sources" (Email Marketing

    We would love to chat with anyone seeking improvement in their email program. If we are not a good fit, we happily provide recommendations on whom else to talk with.


    Simms Jenkins
    Simms Jenkins
    Principal - BrightWave Marketing &
    404.888.0133 office
    404.664.6864 mobile
    404.393.5255 fax
    Keep Your Customers!
    Email Marketing & Customer Relationship Services
    VISIT EMAILSTATCENTER.COM, the Leading Authority on Email Marketing Metrics
    READ MY iMEDIACONNECTION ARTICLES "one of email marketing's top 21 sources"
    About BrightWave Marketing
    BrightWave Marketing is a specialized marketing firm focused on creating and managing exceptional strategic and tactical online acquisition and retention programs that drive revenue, cut costs and build relationships. BrightWave Marketing offers targeted and measurable solutions leveraging the flexibility and economy of Email Marketing, search engine keyword buys and other online customer relationship tools.

    The company’s primary areas of service are Email Marketing, Creative Services, eMarketing Strategy & Planning, Legislation & Customer Privacy Expertise, Data Services & List Hygiene/Management and Search Engine Keyword Buy Management. Headquartered in Atlanta, GA, BrightWave Marketing has done work for a blue chip client roster including ACS, BellSouth, CoreNet Global, Floor & Décor, GMAC Insurance, Lowe's and Whole Foods as well as leading advertising and marketing firms. For more information, please visit or visit, the first centralized online repository of statistics and research specific to the email marketing industry.

  3. Thanks Jeff for the recommendation. I have several e-mail projects that I'm working on ... there are many times when project requirements go beyond my bandwidth, so this is helpful.

  4. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I'm biased because I was a client twice and an employee once, but ExactTarget ( is, hands down, the best Email Service Provider with the best Email marketing talent in the industry.

    They make their customers successful and have the best client services talent in the industry. Though they've grown over the last few years to get on the Inc 500 list, they CARE about their clients.

    It's a big company with a mid-west attitude... mostly because it's in the mid-west. :)


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