September 30, 2007


Spent lunch today with a leader who is struggling with what might be called a mutiny. This individual is leading a big project, a project that not all departments feel should be done the way the leader feels the project should be done. Other departments are making life miserable for this individual.

The vendor community and blogosphere are beating companies up over "silo" based approaches to leadership, blaming business-to-consumer companies for shortcomings (in some instances, vendors are publicly blasting the very companies that pay their freight --- I saw this happen just last week --- not a great way for a vendor to endear themselves to a client).

It is my opinion, having worked in leadership roles in some of the biggest companies in America, that org structure and silos have very little to do with coordinated marketing activities or brilliant execution of projects.

Nope, whether things get done or not have everything to do with how people work together.

Explain to me why Brett Favre, given a motley crew of rookies and one of the worst running games in history, has led his team to a 4-0 record and an average of 26 points a game?


Strong leaders are able to motivate people. They align people along common goals and objectives, and demonstrate to all how everybody benefits. They motivate people to accomplish great things. They give credit to others.

And regardless of org structure, they get things done.

Catalog Marketing, E-Mail Marketing, Search Marketing, Online Marketing, Multichannel Marketing ... all would benefit from the process of developing leaders. We need fewer folks leading contentious environments. We need more leaders.

What do you look for in a leader?


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    It's the 1st of the month, where is the 'Happy 1st day of the month post'?

  2. That was posted on the 30th ... I've got time today to get that done!


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