September 23, 2007

Free Multichannel Forensics Worksheet!

One of your frequently asked questions about Multichannel Forensics is this ... "Do you have a spreadsheet I can borrow that does the analysis for me?"

If you manage a two-channel (or two-brand or two-product) business, I have a spreadsheet for you.

Download this spreadsheet, and you are just 48 easy steps away from understanding the dynamics of your two-channel business.

Open the spreadsheet. Page down to cell K48, and enter each of the 48 metrics readily available from your database marketing team, or the forecast you maintain for new customers by channel.

Once you've completed this task, cells A6 - G28 illustrate the forecasted five year trajectory of your business!

Cells I4 - N14 illustrate the Migration Probability Table necessary for understanding the true underlying dynamics of your business.

Understand two-channel dynamics, and you can build a three-channel worksheet. Beyond three channels, things get interesting, that's where a simulation tool makes life easier.

Available Multichannel Forensics Resources:

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